Shri Sunandan Baruah has done Doctor of Engineering, He is presently working as Dean, Engineering & Technology, Assam Down Town University, Guwahati. and CEO, Globinno Engineering Solutions, Guwahati. Consultant, Technical Agency (Assam Don Bosco University) for SFURTI project under Ministry of MSME.
Previous positions held Director, Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati.
Research Faculty, Electron Microscopy & Nanoelectronics Angstrom Laboratoriet, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Research Specialist, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Research Interest: Prof. Baruah’s research interest is in Environmental Nanotechnology. His research concept is to make use of inexpensive wet chemical methods to fabricate innovative materials and device components. His research group is using semiconducting and metallic nanomaterials for applications like water purification, contamination sensing and remediation, solar energy harvesting, functional building materials, nanopiezotronics, etc.
Publications: 95 publications in International peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and 8 book chapters. He has 3 patents applied for, 1 published and another 3 Invention Disclosure Forms submitted for verification. He has a personal h index of 31 and i10 index of 67 with over 4700 citations to his works.
Prof. Baruah is a social entrepreneur and his company Globinno Engineering Solutions is currently manufacturing Nanotechnology based solar powered water purifiers and fruit and vegetable dryers targeted for use by the rural people. His company also manufactures nanomaterials for laboratory use.