3612841269 octane@stpi.in
OctaNE Centres of Entrepreneurship (CoE)
(A Government of India Initiative supported and administered by)
NIELIT Gangtok

IT in Healthcare & Agritech in Gangtok

NIELIT, Gangtok is established with a prime objective of creating specialized manpower in the areas of Information Electronics and Communication Technologies (IECT). The Centre offers training & educational services to improve the employment opportunities and facilitate the availability of quality manpower at affordable cost, which in turn will lead to further growth of IECT Industry in the region. The detailed objectives are.

  1. To provide the best possible educational facilities for training youngsters in the field of IECT.
  2. To perform as a capacity building organization for the various departments of Sikkim Government and Central Government organizations in the state in the field of IECT.
  3. Facilitate the youth of Sikkim to have easy access to education and training in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology resulting in generation of quality manpower.
  4. To enable Information Technology for the masses.
  5. To develop continuing educational programmes, organize short intensive courses, conferences and seminars on current technological developments, which will be of benefit to the community.
  6. To provide Research & Development and Consultancy to the Industries, Government and Civic Organizations.
  7. To develop strong collaboration with other academic and research institutions in the region.
  8. To develop coursewares and e-instructional resource for e-Learning.

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