3612841269 octane@stpi.in
OctaNE Centres of Entrepreneurship (CoE)
(A Government of India Initiative supported and administered by)
Tripura Institute of Technology

Data Analytics & AI in Agartala

The institute (erstwhile Polytechnic Institute, Narsingarh) bred from its embryo in the year 1958 with three conventional branches of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical
Engineering, affiliated to West Bengal State Council of Technical Education. Later, one more branch namely Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering paved its way into the system in the year 1995.

The institute through its excellence and glorified journey over a period of more than 45 years could attract name, fame and reputation countrywide and as a result the Ministry of Human Resource was kind enough to extend its assistance through World Bank under Tech. Ed.-III Project for the growth of this institute in terms of capacity expansion and quality improvement during the period from 2001 to 2007. Implementation of this project assistance by the Government of Tripura commensurated sea changes in the institutional infrastructure resulting into the opening up of 5 (five) more new branches such as Computer Science & Technology, Food Processing Technology, Automobile Engineering, Interior Decoration Handicrafts & Furniture Designing and Modern Office Practice & Management. Huge procurement of equipment and machineries, books and LRs, introduction of new labs and other infrastructure development have multiplied the academic resources of the institute and opened the floodgate before the aspirants for nourishing their academic and technical excellence.

The Institute is administered by Education (Higher) Department, Government of Tripura and is affiliated to the Tripura University. With the introduction of the degree module from the academic session 2007-08 the entire academic control of both degree and diploma would come under Tripura University. The diploma level students already registered under West Bengal State Council of Technical Education up to the academic session 2006-07 would however remain tied up with WBSCTE. The curricula and other academic control of the Tripura Institute of Technology both of diploma and degree would remain directly under the control of Tripura University from June, 2007.

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