3612841269 octane@stpi.in
OctaNE Centres of Entrepreneurship (CoE)
(A Government of India Initiative supported and administered by)
Assam Don Bosco University

IoT in Agriculture in Guwahati

Don Bosco University is a project of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) executed by Don Bosco Society, Azara, Guwahati. Presently, Salesians are working in 132 countries catering to over nine million young people worldwide; Salesians have been recognized by Government of India as the single largest provider of technical education in India, second only to the Government.

More than 100 Salesian technical schools and 25 colleges have been established in India. Scores of non-formal training centers, agricultural training centers, relief and rehabilitation centers, literacy centers and shelters for street children in India are managed by the salesians of Don Bosco.

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