3612841269 octane@stpi.in
OctaNE Centres of Entrepreneurship (CoE)
(A Government of India Initiative supported and administered by)
Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management

IoT in Agriculture in Guwahati

Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management (ARGUCOM) is the first cooperative management university in the country established under the Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management Act, 2010. ARGUCOM is under the recognition of UGC vide No. F.9-21/2011 (CPP-1/PU) dated Feb 27, 2012.

The University, set up at Sivasagar in Upper Assam, is a teaching, residential university with the mission of education for widening knowledge and learning, training for enhancing skill and managerial capacity, research for searching innovative spheres and to make efforts for all round development of cooperative movement and rural economy.

ARGUCOM is a specialized university and as such its efforts are also innovative and result oriented. It emphasize on grass root learning of students and not confined to bookish
knowledge only.

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