Centre of Entrepreneureship in Animation in Shillong

Animation is a dynamic medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving images. Animators are artists who specialize in creating animation. It is basically categorized into 2D traditional animation that is done manually by hand and 3D-digital animation that is done by using various software applications. It is finding its use in mobiles, software applications, movie visual effects, visual communication and advertising. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film.  

Today most animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI). Computer animation can be very detailed 3D animation, while 2D computer animation can be used for stylistic reasons, low bandwidth or faster real-time renderings. Apart from short films, feature films, animated gifs and other media dedicated to the display moving images, animation is also heavily used for video games, motion graphics, entertainment, education, design, simulations and special effects.  

Chief Mentor

Shri Biren Ghose
Country Head for India, Technicolor India, Bengaluru

Our Services

Physical Lab Facilities

  • Ready to Work Plug and Play Space.
  • Access to domain Labs.
  • High Speed Internet Access.
  • Network Operation Center (NOC).
  • 24 x 7 x 365 days Operational work space.
  • Round the clock security.
  • Dedicated team /Support round the clock.

Direct funding support to the units

Under the present proposal, direct funding support will be extended to the units, which can be used by them to defray part of their costs such as cloud hosting and services, cost of engagement of mentors, IPR creation, seed capital, cost of marketing etc. The above direct support will enable the robust incubation of start-ups in emerging technologies, as well as productive innovation activities.

The support will be extended in stages as follows (on per unit support):

  • Proof of Concept – Rs. 5.00 lakh
  • Prototype – Rs. 15.00 lakh
  • Marketing – Rs 5.00 lakh

Incubation & Co-Working Facilities

  • CoE shall monitor and guide start-ups through dedicated portfolio managers and start-up support executives.
  • CoE shall review and monitor the progress/performance of start-ups periodically and take necessary action as and when required in coordination with PMC.

Technology and Business Mentoring

  • Mentors shall identify specific needs at specific time like prototyping/design vendors, small - scale manufacturing vendors, large - scale manufacturing vendors etc. and makes best efforts to connect the start-ups with such ecosystem players.
  • Full-time resource presence and organizing peer meetings with mentors at regular intervals.
  • Train/educate start-ups in the fields of research, user experience and business technology courses with cutting edge programming and deep-tech applications.
  • Support the start-ups for developing Proof of Concept (PoC), provide mentoring for designing & development and help start-ups to convert their idea into a reality.
  • Transforming the start-ups from idea level to Prototype level, Prototype level to MVP (Minimum Viable Product) level, MVP level to GTM (GoToMarket) level and graduating the start-ups into full-fledged company status.
  • Providing a multidisciplinary approach in developing innovative products based on identified business challenges.
  • Support for developing, enhancing and piloting start-ups prototype and business model in a collaborative environment.
  • Conducting need-based mentoring sessions on legal, compliance, branding, cyber security, domain technologies etc.

Marketing, Networking and Outreach

  • Beneficiary incubatees of the CoEs under OctaNE shall be included in marketing knowledge sessions, conducting road shows, networking events, social media outreach.
  • International events/programs shall be organized to attract global visibility.
  • CoE's end-to-end marketing plans will place your start-up on the global map.
  • Partnerships with key international promotional agencies shall be carried out for cross border collaboration.

Access to Funding and Investment

CoE shall support and guide start-ups for raising funds towards PoC, MVP and Marketing as well as scaling up through grants, equity and debt by leveraging connections with potential customers and CSR/Corporate sources as well as angels, High Net worth Individuals (HNIs) and VCs as per appropriate size of start-ups.

IPR related support services

STPI has signed MoU with M/s NRDC (National Research and Development Corporation) for filing Intellectual Property Rights such as Patenting (Drafting & Filing), Trademark, Copyright and any other IPR related support/legal/statutory support.

Additional services

  • Administration
  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Finance
  • Legal
  • Others